Friday, July 20, 2012

Juliet RETURNS!!! Haha. HA.

So. I know you guys missed me, seeing as I was gone for, like, ever, but if you don't, it's fine. I don't have a giant green rage monster just itchin' to come out and destroy the small amount of fans that I have. [C'mon, totally should have gotten that reference.]
I'm not sure if you knew this, but I was actually in Canada and Washington last week. And, yes, it's true, the Blueberry cars were there in DROVES. I saw at least ten the first day that I was in Canada. Psych actually shoots in Canada, in Vancouver, I think, so every time I would get on the plane, I would go, "What do you think the odds that James Roday and Chris Evans and Wendilin Van Draanen and Rick Riordan are going to be on this plane?"
Then my dad was looking in the Sky Mall magazine and he said "OH MY GOSH ITS CHRIS EVANS!" I flipped and went into total fan-girl mode.
They would have called security, but I had a very caffenated Starbucks and everything was okay again. (Caffine has the opposite affect on anyone with ADHD, doncha know)
While I was gone, Power of Justice Jack came out. Lucky for me, I had my nook.
oH, YEAH. i FORGOT TO TELL YOU. (Ooops. Caps lock.) My family hates me now.
[Insert violin music and crying noise]
But the only reason they hate me is because I'm so darn annoying; I only talk about SK, or PJO, or Psych, or The Avengers.
Which, now that I think about it, is a good long list. All week I would say, "Holy schwarma!" or make really abstract Psych references. ('It's like we're in one great big snow globe...Something wrong, Lassiface?' 'I hate you, Spencer.')
Oh, Shawn.
Now. Right now I'd like to take a moment to discuss my fans. Spesifically...KYLIE!!!!! You probably know her already if you love Sammy Keyes, but if not, take a look at her blog at
SHE ROCKS. I guess I 'met' her a few weeks ago on the #1 fan-girl site: fanfiction! She commented on my SK/AV crossover and then, being the lifeless loser that I am, I PMd her back. So now she has read my blog for the first time and--get this--SHE NOMINATED IT FOR HER CONTEST!!
So I'm going to practice my speech:

Just kidding. I really can't believe that the random babblings of a crazy fan-girl could earn so much....uh...something of which I'll figure out later.
I was going to talk about something else, but I forgot.
OH YEAH!! If anyone has anything they'd like to say about JUSTICE JACK!! then just comment in the box below and I will get back to you in my next post. ALL QUESTIONS ASKED WILL BE ANSWERED.
Ciao fo' now,
Mrs. Juliette Pratt/Rogers/Lassiter/Jackson


  1. Girl you have no idea what I want to say about Justice Jack, Okay.

    So first off I was like Marissa! What is your problem girl? You have a great man! He is totally in to you and now you are leaving him for the jerk face that is called Danny! How could you do that! I mean come one! Billy Pratt is is just so adorable. I seriously have a hard time choosing which guy I like better, Casey or Billy. I mean Casey is always there and he says the sweetest things and he is just perfect, but then Billy is funny and sweet and just as perfect. So really they are tied in m book.

    And then when Sammy got that letter for the Wedge! I mean wow! I almost started crying! Seriously! All my hate for the Wedge is gone. Like boom, outta here.

    And Sammy trying to do better in school, just really hit me. I mean, sure I get pretty much straight A's but I feel like that I should be paying attention more in class and stuff.

    And then Heather. Girl you are at your all time lowest. Lower than when Sammy saved your life and all you could say was I hate you. Lower than that. What you did was beyond belief. Girl you are in 8th grade. Sometimes I think you are in like 10th because of that thing you did.

    And finally we get to Jack. At first I didn't like the guy. I mean he was a little odd and I just didn't trust him. But to tell you the truth I really started to like him when I read that last page of the book. I was like wow. He was pretty amazing.

    Oh I can't forget Dot's celebration! I so want to do that! It would be so much fun! I just can't even comprehend how awesome that would be.

    And loved how you signed off. With all the guys names that you like! Hilarious!


    P.S. Did you here about the Psych musical! I am so excited for it! Shawn, Gus, and Jules are singing! Ahhhhhh! So excited!

    P.P.S Can't wait to read your answers!

  2. First of all, I cannot wait to see you Monday!!! Second of all, I had a dream about the Hunger Games. Just so you know.

    Anyways, my fandoms have also expanded, but you probably already know the things I'm obsessed with. SK, PJO, HG, Avatar: The Last Airbender, Hawkeye...every time I think about them, I have to run around like a crazy maniac and jump up and down. A lot of people don't get it. Like, they'll say, "yeah, it was COMPLETELY epic, but I’m not going to think about it 24/7 or run around thinking epic thoughts." I guess there are only some people who can experience that much fangirliness.

    My other thing I was going to say was, WHAT PSYCH MUSICAL!!!??? Dead. That's what I am right now. I need to Google it!!!

    And Finally, my reaction to JJ:

    I felt so bad for Billy! And Marissa is REALLY starting to bug me. But, Wendelin caught a tween's/teenager's romantic life completely, which kinda sucks. But I can relate. I have a friend who's a Marissa, and I'm the Sammy.

    I almost cried with the Wedge/money thing. (SPOILER!) And at the end of the chapter, where she's on the phone and there's a thud, I was all like 'SHE'S DEAD, ISN'T SHE! I CALL IT! I CALL IT!" Well, my little sister was in the room, and she just stared at me, so I had to explain the whole Mrs. Wedgewood situation and my great prediction, and how it all reminded me of Ms. Graybill. Once I found out of sure, I was shocked. I did NOT see that coming. I wonder what WVD is going to do with that empty room...get a new neighbor, or just leave it empty...?

    I also have a feeling the secret Grams is still hiding is that Lana and Warren are going to get married/ thinking about it. I mean, Killer Cruise takes place in early April (Sammy's birthday)so Sin City might take place in February

    Well, that's all.

    -Mrs. Leo Valdez (and yes, I do have a wall/whiteboard dedicated to him. Which now that I think about it, sounds really creepy.)


  3. I guess we are just awesome like that!

    And I just noticed that you have switched from Spencer to Lassiter. I don't know I could have missed that!
