Sunday, June 17, 2012

Psych sites: say it five times fast

There's not much to talk about when it comes to Psych. At least not when you've only seen 2.4 seasons anyways.
But this weekend I decided to look up Psych stuff on the Internet, and the results were very fruitful, to be an punny idiot. For example, here's what my new desktop wallpaper thingy looks like:
Pretty awesome, right?
I also found this link on the name of this blog: I've Heard it Both Ways.
It's in the dictionary. Plus, there's a clip where the cast and crew talk about the pineapple.
No links are currently availible. Mostly because I'm too lazy....

It's a good time to write about Sammy.
Yes. I'm speaking of THE Sammy Keyes.
It's not like I was purposely avoiding the subject, but, honestly, between basketball camp, hangin' with my buddy Jenna, and pretty much everything else in life, I couldn't find the time.
Blame Shawn.
Anywho, Sams. Is it just me, or does it feel like Sammy's life is about to be...well..different? Other than the obvious dad issue, I mean. The course of her life is about to be changed drastically. I was thinking this while watching some stupid kid show yesterday, and I realized that my life was about to drastically change, too. All of us are simply leaves and twigs in a windy world. All roads may lead home, but each one is different. The question is, which road will we take? I think that's gonna be an important theme in SK. You know, like a conversation on Hudson's porch.
Killer Cruise sounds like a cruise in a car to me, not a cruise ship. I guess a cruise ship would make more sense, but the car theory just sounds right. Maybe Sammy stumbles on something bigger than it seems, like in Psycho Kitty Queen--a chop shop? If anyone asked WVD, she might clarify, although spectulation is a lot of fun, especially when there are people like Sammy and Marissa on the scene. I guess I sound like an idiot, though....
I think Sammy has to team up with Heather. Why would they be going to Vegas...unless Lana and Warren are getting MARRIED? Either that or it's Marissa's dad again...poor guy. But what if it's both? If it was really the whole Keyes-Acosta thing, then Heather and Sammy would have to team up. Sammy even said once that they would be unstoppable together.
But grim speculation in the face of merciless fate is but inevitably pointless...therefore we must push through the wind and storm ahead and hold tight to the anchor of human kind that is hope.
AKA: Moving on.

I am back on FanFic! My name is Mrs. Billy Pratt and I mostly read PJO and SK fics, because CA fics pretty much suck in general...and they're all about Peggy. (To Jenna/Mrs.LeoValdez: not even the kick-butt version, they're basically all about me!!! Mwah ha ha ha ha!!) Some of the Avengers stuff is good... and I decided to create a SK-Avengers crossover about the Captain Billy image I got.
If you have any ideas on how it shapes up, leave a comment here, or review it on fanfic. It should be up by Tuesday.
Ciao for now,
Mrs. Juliet Pratt

1 comment:

  1. Okay so thanks for not telling me you had a blog.

    I love it by the way! It is so funny! And you need to watch more psych! I am seriously addicted to that show!

    And I know can't wait for Killer Cruise! Did you hear about the shoes Casey is giving Sammy? They sound so cool! And killer cruise is the second to last so sad! But it will have her dad in it! Yah yeah!
    But at least we have Sin city, then killer cruise, then the last one which I think I kiss goodbye.

    And I hope Sammy and heather join forces. But also I don't because I love the wast those to have.

    Okay that was long.

