Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Captain America meets Billy Pratt!! Whaaaattt???

Yes. It's true.
The title will be explained shortly, but for right now, I just want to ask all my...um...fans.....to let me know if they are on Fan Fiction. Or fan fiction. Or Fanfiction. Whatever!!
I also what to inform y'alls that I got braces today! I waited for braces for three years, and they are a lot more painful than I thought they were going to be.

Okay. So now I will explain the title.
All of you who know me as GoldenConverse on fanfic know that I love Percy Jackson and Sammy Keyes. Wellll, this weekend I saw the movie The Avengers, and I have added that to my list of stuff that I am obsessed with. Everyone who's obsessed with something--a book (Sammy Keyes) or a tv show (Psych) or a movie (the Avengers)--has to have a character that is freaking awesome. Look up my homeboy Jenna/Tibbitoo/Mrs. Leo Valdez and in about .3 seconds you will realize that she is married to Leo Valdez. For me, it's Billy Pratt. (How could you not love him? He's so Billy.)
But as of yesterday, something happened. I realized that Captain America was freaking amazing. So then I got this mental image of Billy in the whole CA outfit. Including the shield. And Steve Rogers was in a chicken hat.
I'm still not quite sure if I should laugh or cry or be scarred for life. It was that weird.
So if you have any questions about SK or PJO or even the Avengers, leave a comment and I will get back to you as soon as I can.
Ciao for now,
Mrs. Juliet Rogers.
I mean Mrs. Billy Pratt
I mean Juliet Spencer.

1 comment:

  1. You my friend, have a crazy mind...but I love it. Can't wait to go to the Cobb's house tomorrow and sabotage them. (I'll have to tell you that joke later). We can continue our conversation tomorrow.
