Sunday, June 10, 2012 life is pretty sweet.

  Yesterday night my dad took me and my sister to this place in Wickenburg where we were a) meeting my mom, and b) eating some grub. Actually we were there for pizza, wings, and ICE CREAM! What the heck is grub anyways?
  So anyways, while we were there I started geeking out about all the reasons my life is better Jackson/Sammy Keyes/Psych reference). But seriously, folks, here's the list:
#1: Mark of Athena!! Comes out in, like, August or October?
#2: Power of Justice Jack!! Coming to you from lots of places on June 22!!
#3: Season 6 of Psych!! Which technically I can't see yet because I'm still on season 2...
#4: PLUS Captain America 2 (dos) comes out in 2013.(You had to know that was going to be in here.)
  With that nice segway, I would like to inform y'alls that yesterday I was on da internet and I saw something AMAZING. For the IronMan fans of the cyberplanet, Iron Man 3 comes out sometime this year. For people like ME, yes, it's true, CA 2 comes out next year. And for those of you who love 'em all, The Avengers 2 comes out in 2014.
  Pretty cool, right?
  Oh yeah, and on Friday night I saw the first Captain America. Let me just say that if you thought Steve Rogers started out as big as he was in the Avengers, you are very very very very wrong. He was like five feet tall. And don't even get me started on...uh.....weight.
  So anyways.
  Yeah, I'll probably add some to this blog if I forgot to put any--oh yeah! I forgot to say for you people reading this:
  VOTE NOW!!! Mrs. Juliet Pratt or Mrs. Juliet Rogers???
  Leave a comment based on your vote, and I will post accordingly.

Ciao for now,
Juliet Spencer.

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