Saturday, October 6, 2012


Okay. I'm good.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Super short sad random speech....and stuff....

Hey guys!!! It's Juliet again...duh....
Okay. I know it's been a long time since I was anywhere, like on fanfic or here, and I am reeeeaaaaaalllllyyyyy sorry about that!!! I've been grounded and I am currently posting this off my friends iPad.
Which is really pathetic, I know.
So I might not post a real post for a whole, and I'm really sorry about that. Also, I NEED MY PJO/SK/PSYCH/ AVENGERS FIX!!!!! I am dying over here!!!!!! I might not be posting anything for a while and my Av fic (for those who follow it) won't be posted for a loooooooong time.
I'm so sorry!!!! Love you guys,
Juliet....let's go with Rogers this time.
Juliet Rogers 😘

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Chapter two of the huge crossover thingy.

As you might already know, Jenna and i are writing a HUGE crossover.
Read her blog to find chapter one.
I don't feel like posting it.
Anyways, here's chapter two: Psych World!!!
Line line line line line line line....etc.

A/N: What’s up, y’all?! Mrs. Billy Pratt here, and I just want to inform you that the following is going to be really funny: either I wrote it pretty well or I failed and it was funny to watch me try.

Today’s chapter is going to be Psych. In New York. With the Blueberry car. AND JULES AND LASSIE ARE THERE!!

So enjoy and all that.

I officially disclaim pretty much anything that happens in this fic.

Psych World

“I hate you, Spencer,” grumbled Lassiter from the back of Gus’s car. “This stupid trip is coming out of your paycheck! I was working on a—“
“What paycheck?” questioned Shawn gleefully from the front seat. “Lassie, Lassie, Lassie. You really need to understand: this is a business trip! There are murders in New York all the time. I’m sure you’ll find at least one body.”
In the tiny company car were Shawn, driving, Gus, in the passenger seat unwillingly, Lassiter and Juliet, who were chained to the back seat doors.
“On the road again…,” Shawn started singing before Gus gave him a look that said, ‘Shut up before I punch you in the stomach.’
They drove in silence for what seemed like days. Finally Juliet said, “Shawn, why are we going to New York?”
Gus shot a gloating look at Shawn and Shawn stared back as if to say, ‘I got this, Guster.’
“Well, Jules, that is an excellent question. I think Lassie can stand for that, what do you think, Lassiface?” Shawn pointed the focus of the conversation to Lassiter.
“Don’t even think about it, Spencer,” grunted the detective, adjusting himself so that he could sleep.
Shawn,” Juliet warned.
“Okay, okay,” Shawn sighed. “I heard…” He sighed again and looked up at the tiny roof of the car. “Do I have to say it again?”
“Yes, Shawn, I think you do!” Gus poked him in the ribs.
“Okay, fine!” Shawn resigned. “I wanted to go see if the rumors were true!”
Shawn could feel the look on Juliet’s face: ‘WTF?’
“You know, the rumors about…”
“I believe he is referring to the rumor that the Avengers are in New York. That’s what I heard! Do you think the Captain America is there?” Gus interrupted.
Shawn stared at him. “Wow. Total fan-girl moment right there.”
“Shut up, Shawn. Just because you can’t appreciate the classicism of the original Marvel comics doesn’t mean I can’t!” Gus insisted.
"I can too appreciate it! Which one of us went as Iron Man for Halloween three years in a row?" Shawn asked accusingly.
“Anyways…” Juliet prompted.
“Right. I heard that Mount Olympia, the home of the Greek gods, is on the secret 600th floor of the Empire State building.” Shawn braced himself for the laughter.
"Don’t you mean Mount Olympus?” Juliet questioned disbelievingly.
“I’ve heard it both ways,” Shawn dismissed.
Gus rolled his eyes. His friend might be smarter than he knew, but he was still an idiot.
Juliet looked at Shawn as though she wanted to rip his head off. “You mean you dragged us to the other side of the country because of a rumor?!”

“Well,” Shawn said, “yes. It’s not like I lied to you guys.”
Lassiter sat up in indignation. “Is that some kind of sick joke?! Why the hell do you think I got in this damn car, Spencer?!?!”
Shawn put a hand up. “Lassie, watch the language. This fic is only supposed to be rated K plus.”
“What the hell is that supposed to mean?”
“You might not get it, but the readers do.”
Lassie stared. “Wake me up when we’re in New York.”
­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­“Somebody wake up Lassiter.”
“Don’t poke him in the eye…!”

“Why not?”

“Shawn, you know that he isn’t one to look before shooting.”

“Oh, Jules. You really make me laugh, you know that?”

Suddenly Carlton felt a finger jab into his eye socket. “Ow! Don’t touch me, Spencer!”

“He’s up!” Shawn said cheerfully.

“I told you not to…never mind.” Juliet was driving, Shawn and Lassie were in the back seat, and Gus was still in the passenger seat.

“When did you guys move?” Lassiter asked.

“When someone decided that he had to pee so badly that he couldn’t drive anymore.” Juliet gave Shawn the evil eye through the rearview mirror. “Don’t touch anything in the trunk.”

“Why not?” Lassie started, but when he saw the look on Spencer’s face, he clamped his mouth shut.

“Guess where we are, Lassiface?” Shawn said brightly. Lassiter stared for a few seconds and opened his mouth, but Spencer talked over him. “Give up? Okay, I’ll tell you: New York!”

“Yes! Now I can get out of this freak-show!” Lassiter opened the door of the moving vehicle and attempted to jump out, but Shawn grabbed him by his flailing arm and pulled him back inside.

“Don’t do that!” Shawn yelled frantically.

Juliet swerved the car, Gus shrieked like a little girl, and Shawn wrestled desperately with Carlton. All the while, the door was open.

“Oh, no!” Juliet yelled as the car stopped—right into a parking meter.

Gus stared at the wreckage. “My…my car. My company car.” He squeaked, and then faced Shawn and Lassie, who were frozen, Shawn with his head under Lassie’s arm, Lassie’s other arm twisted in Shawn’s hand. “Shawn!” Shawn managed to release himself of Lassiter’s grip and bolted out of the ruined car.


“Gus! Don’t hurt me!” Shawn dodged traffic, running down the street as fast as he could.

Juliet sat in the car. “This is going to be the worst vacation ever.”

“Here it is, Shawn. No mythical creatures. It’s normal.” Juliet gestured to the lobby of the Empire State building that surrounded them.

Shawn’s shoulders sagged. “Dangit.”

Just then, a group of kids came out of the elevator. Shawn’s eyes widened when he realized that the black haired 15-year-old guy was carrying a sword. The curly, blonde-haired chick was holding a dagger…and the goth chick wore a bow and arrows. That wasn’t even the weird part: the older guy standing next to her had goat legs instead of college kid legs.

“Guys…” Shawn slapped Gus on the arm.

“Ow!” Gus gave Shawn a look, then directed his attention to the ‘kids’.

“Are you seeing a goat boy and terrorist kids?!” Shawn whispered.

“What?! NO!” Gus stared at Shawn disapprovingly. “I’m going to go get some coffee. There’s a Starbucks down the street. I’ll meet you there when you aren’t nuts.”

The three others walked off, Gus in one direction, the cops in another. Shawn sighed.

Time to go undercover.
That's it.

Friday, August 3, 2012

PSYCHo...get it? PSYCH? Get it?...never mind.

...I don't really know why I put this there.
I don't even know what number that is, but that's not important. The importantness is that I MAY BE GETTING AN iPOD TOUCH.
[Awesome music~~UNTZ UNTZ UNTZ UNTZ]
[Strobe lights]
[Disco ball]
Annnnnnddddddd.....I have a contest that I want all my followers (ahem Mrs. Leo Valdez and Ky) to tell alllll their friends about:
~~~~Find me an iPod touch case.~~~~
Must be less than thirty bucks.
Including s&h.
Must be something that you guys know I'll love (Psych, PJO, SK, Avatar (the show), Monk (again, the show), Avengers, Phineas and Ferb, PERRY THE PLATYPUS...etc.)
MUST BE EPIC...and/or awesome.
Include either a link or a picture.
Sometime before...umm...I'll tell you when it's over. Might be awhile, like until Christmas.
Also, you could send it to me in the mail for my birthday. That would be cool.
Except you don't know my address...or my birthday...hmm....
THE...umm....MORE RULES:
Leave it in a comment...PLEASE.
Don't let it be jacked up and/or just plain wrong.
Not that you'd do that, but still. It's probably going to be in public.
You guys want a prize?!? I'm thirteen and I don't even know you!
...okay, fine, I'll give you a prize.
....A FREE HUG!!!
.....I don't know. Something not tangible.
If you don't enjoy your time, you're disqualified.
Topic #DUO.
(Latin for two....I'm pretty sure. School starts soon, so I'll tell you then.)
Something that we allll hold near and dear to our hearts, especially if you're from, you know, America.....THE OLYMPICS!!!!!!!!!
MORE SPECIFICALLY AGAIN, MICHEAL PHELPS BEING THE GREATEST OLYMPIAN EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
By a show of hands, how many people watch the Olympics?...or by comments, that's cool too.
How many people watched Micheal Phelps KICK BUTT AT THE 2008 OLYMPICS IN BEJING?!?! Most gold medals ever won in swimming...ALL OF THEM. No one can ever break that's impossible, unless they add more swimming races. How many people watched him WIN THE MOST MEDALS EVER WON BY ANY OLYMPIAN EVER IN THE HISTORY OF THE OLYMPICS EVER BY WINNING 15 GOLD, 3 OR 4 BRONZE, AND 1 OR 2 SILVER?!?!?! HE WON 19 MEDALS THAT I LAST SAW AND I AM SO PUMPED THAT I KEEP SAYING THE WORD EPIC OVER AND OVER AGAIN.
I want to meet that guy so much. Mostly because he kicked butt...EPICALLY.
I've noticed that my idols all kick butt: Billy Pratt, Sammy Keyes, Micheal Phelps, Apolo Ohno, Percy Jackson, Captain America, Dr. Seuss...the list goes on.
That's all I wanted to say about the Olympics for now.
Topico Numero Tres...o.
What did I want to say?
Hang on...wait for it...wait for it...wait for iiiiiiit....
Bum, bum, bum...muffins.
Actually, that's not what I wanted to say. Not until, like, ten seconds ago.
Oh well. I can tell you later.
Ciao for now,
/Mrs. Billy Pratt.
Whichever you prefer.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

I have a confession to make.

First off, this is not a real post. This is just an author's note.
But I really do have something I should admit to you guys.
Okay, backstory time...
Yesterday, I was hanging out with my friend Jenna, right? And she read my comments on my previous post, both of which were nice, long, very heartfelt comments from Ky. So she saw that my age was supposedly 15...
...-SORT OF-
Well, here's the confession. I'm not 15. I'm not even in high school yet. I'm really 13.
At first, I wasn't sure if I could trust you guys, because you know what they say about strangers on the internet. But I now know that you won't try to hack into my e-mail account or whatever, so that's why I decided to tell the truth.
I'm really sorry. I just wanted to be listened to like I was, you know, worth listening to.
Which I might not be no matter what my age, but, you know, whatever.
Please don't hate me.
Juliet Spencer

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Serious issues, dude. Serious issues. AND major Justice Jack giveaways.

 No, It's not Fat Albert, although that totally came from that.
 I want to start by saying: I MADE A HUGE TYPO IN THE LAST POST. How many people do you know that spell their own name wrong? Yes. I spelled Juliet wrong.
 How do you screw that up???
 Oh, well. To the point. Yeah, folks, that's RIGHT!!! People spoke, I listened, and here are some opinions on Justice Jack.

Kylie said:
Girl you have no idea what I want to say about Justice Jack, Okay.

So first off I was like Marissa! What is your problem girl? You have a great man! He is totally in to you and now you are leaving him for the jerk face that is called Danny! How could you do that! I mean come one! Billy Pratt is is just so adorable. I seriously have a hard time choosing which guy I like better, Casey or Billy. I mean Casey is always there and he says the sweetest things and he is just perfect, but then Billy is funny and sweet and just as perfect. So really they are tied in my book.

And then when Sammy got that letter for the Wedge! I mean wow! I almost started crying! Seriously! All my hate for the Wedge is gone. Like boom, outta here.

And Sammy trying to do better in school, just really hit me. I mean, sure I get pretty much straight A's but I feel like that I should be paying attention more in class and stuff.

And then Heather. Girl you are at your all time lowest. Lower than when Sammy saved your life and all you could say was I hate you. Lower than that. What you did was beyond belief. Girl you are in 8th grade. Sometimes I think you are in like 10th because of that thing you did.

And finally we get to Jack. At first I didn't like the guy. I mean he was a little odd and I just didn't trust him. But to tell you the truth I really started to like him when I read that last page of the book. I was like wow. He was pretty amazing.

Oh I can't forget Dot's celebration! I so want to do that! It would be so much fun! I just can't even comprehend how awesome that would be.

And loved how you signed off. With all the guys names that you like! Hilarious!


P.S. Did you here about the Psych musical! I am so excited for it! Shawn, Gus, and Jules are singing! Ahhhhhh! So excited!

P.P.S Can't wait to read your answers.

 Well. HEY KY!!!! Wassup, GIIIIRRRRRRRLLL???
 Heh heh.
 So, let's start with Marissa. I can honestly say that in that respect, I am kind of a lot like Marissa. (Kinda.).....(Okay, a lot.) Marissa is being very...rash. It's obvious that, yeah, Sammy totally predicted this. Remember? In NoS, Sammy told Marissa that Billy might have been funny on the outside, but on the inside he was a marshmallow. All soft and sweet and squishy. (My cousin just said, Is he white? And I was like, She told Marissa that he was fragile, easy to break, and what does she do? She breaks him.
 At first I was like, "REALLY?? WHY? FOR DANNY?"
 But then I was just sad. Poor, poor Billy.
 Marissa learned her lesson. Unfortunately for her, Marilly will not happen for a long time. Maybe never again. But hey! We still got Cammy!
 Now, the Wedge is difficult. She was like, a HATER, man. (HATERS GONNA HATE) But then, we got the slightest hint of niceness in Cold Hard Cash, when the Whale bakes her some yummy cookies and doesn't even blackmail her for it. So, if you read between the lines, the Wedge isn't actually a jerk. She actually likes Sammy. And, if you looked back at all the Sammy-Wedgewood moments, you'll see that not only does she not hate her, but she always has liked Sammy. Always. And then Sammy improving her grades, well, that hit me square in the center of the heart. She had a goal...something that Lana could never give her. How pathetic is that?
 Heather, Heather,'s pretty bad. She is creating this Vortex of Deep, Dark, Hatred that she's now taking her "friends" in with her. I wonder why. Fortunately, we get to find out in the next book!! HECK YES SK FANS!!!! Anyways, Heather is seriously the coolest bad guy ever.
 With the obvious exception of Loki, of course.
 But anyways, (do I say that too much?) we love to hate our Red Hornet of Summertime. And the frostgiant, but today's not his day.
 But I think that (and I may have said this before) Sammy and Heather, teaming up to break Lana and Warren up would be unstoppable. Of course, Heather would then go back to ultimate hatred, but, you know, whatever.
 And, speaking of Lana and Warren, I just need to get this out: Warren has terrible choice in women. First the psychopath monstrocity that is Candi, then, of all people, Lana. His son's girlfriend's mom. Not to mention the fact that Lana is an egomanaical primadonna who can't even appreciate the coolest daughter ever. I guess I can talk about tthat later, though.
 Next was...oh, yeah. Jack. So Jack is actually one of my favorites from that book, although I had originally decided that, yeah, he was the bad guy, when I read the part about his reaction to his mom's news, I totally understood him. And now I think he's pretty much a good guy.
 And Dot's celebration kind of ruined Santa Claus for me. Even though I'm a 15 year old girl, I believe in the big SC. But not Rudolph. He's just for props.
 I still don't get that!!
 Second to lastly, I'm not too good at making desicions, so I just put that all together somewhat randomly.
 AND FINALLY: A MUSICAL???? (To Jenna/Mrs. Leo Valdez: Didn't I predict this? Didn't I?? PSYCH: The Movie.) I HAD NO IDEA!!!!!
 Okay. before I have a panic attack, my good friend Jenna/Mrs. Leo Valdez sent me a comment as well! Yay Jenna!
 Mrs. Leo Valdez

First of all, I cannot wait to see you Monday!!! Second of all, I had a dream about the Hunger Games. Just so you know.

Anyways, my fandoms have also expanded, but you probably already know the things I'm obsessed with. SK, PJO, HG, Avatar: The Last Airbender, Hawkeye...every time I think about them, I have to run around like a crazy maniac and jump up and down. A lot of people don't get it. Like, they'll say, "yeah, it was COMPLETELY epic, but I’m not going to think about it 24/7 or run around thinking epic thoughts." I guess there are only some people who can experience that much fangirliness.

My other thing I was going to say was, WHAT PSYCH MUSICAL!!!??? Dead. That's what I am right now. I need to Google it!!!

And Finally, my reaction to JJ:

I felt so bad for Billy! And Marissa is REALLY starting to bug me. But, Wendelin caught a tween's/teenager's romantic life completely, which kinda sucks. But I can relate. I have a friend who's a Marissa, and I'm the Sammy.

I almost cried with the Wedge/money thing. (SPOILER!) And at the end of the chapter, where she's on the phone and there's a thud, I was all like 'SHE'S DEAD, ISN'T SHE! I CALL IT! I CALL IT!" Well, my little sister was in the room, and she just stared at me, so I had to explain the whole Mrs. Wedgewood situation and my great prediction, and how it all reminded me of Ms. Graybill. Once I found out of sure, I was shocked. I did NOT see that coming. I wonder what WVD is going to do with that empty room...get a new neighbor, or just leave it empty...?

I also have a feeling the secret Grams is still hiding is that Lana and Warren are going to get married/ thinking about it. I mean, Killer Cruise takes place in early April (Sammy's birthday)so Sin City might take place in February

Well, that's all.

-Mrs. Leo Valdez (and yes, I do have a wall/whiteboard dedicated to him. Which now that I think about it, sounds really creepy.)
 Jenna, I'm sorry...I CAN'T SEE YOU TODAY!!! But whatever. And, what's really funny about the dream is that I had a nightmare about the Avengers where I was there and everyone died. Except Phil, which was kind of ironic.
 Well, I TOTALLY know what you mean. The other day I starte putting up fan art of AV, Psych, PJO and SK on my wall and my big sister was like, 'WTS' (S=schwarma) And I went on to explain all of everything I knew about each and every one of the previous fandoms. I can't wait to tell my friends at school! Which totally reminds me. The other day, my dad was talking about what we were going to do that day and he was like, "I guess it's gonna be a low-key day." So I said, "Every day's a Loki day." He is LOKI, OF ASGUARD, AND HE IS BURDENED WITH GLORIOUS PURPOSE. (One of my favorite lines from that movie.)
 So. Gettin' to the good stuff! I already talked about the Wedge. (yeah, yeah, I know I talked about her too, shut up, will ya, Tony? Don't mind me, just shutting up a bunch of fictional characters from my head.) Miss Graybill, you mean. Mrs. Wedgewood is not nearly as rude or butt faced as we originally thought she was. Not nearly. Okay, maybe she's still not an angel, but still.
 Sometimes I wish i had as many great relationships as Sammy: Hudson, Marissa, Billy, Casey, the Wedge, Miss Graybill...being in high school leaves me strapping for an identity. And true friends. My real friends have always been Billy and Casey and Sammy and Marissa and Dot and Holly and Hudson and...everyone. I haven't even started about the other fandoms, either. My best friends are people I don't even know...and Mrs. Leo Valdez, but whatever.
 I think you're right. How could Warren get married again to another wackjob?!?
 Well, whatever. I'm gonna have to go, because my sister is yelling in my ear to say: COME PLAY WITH ME.
 Signing off,
 Mrs. Billy Pratt (Billy needs condolences in this tough time.)(Sorry Steve.)

Friday, July 20, 2012

Juliet RETURNS!!! Haha. HA.

So. I know you guys missed me, seeing as I was gone for, like, ever, but if you don't, it's fine. I don't have a giant green rage monster just itchin' to come out and destroy the small amount of fans that I have. [C'mon, totally should have gotten that reference.]
I'm not sure if you knew this, but I was actually in Canada and Washington last week. And, yes, it's true, the Blueberry cars were there in DROVES. I saw at least ten the first day that I was in Canada. Psych actually shoots in Canada, in Vancouver, I think, so every time I would get on the plane, I would go, "What do you think the odds that James Roday and Chris Evans and Wendilin Van Draanen and Rick Riordan are going to be on this plane?"
Then my dad was looking in the Sky Mall magazine and he said "OH MY GOSH ITS CHRIS EVANS!" I flipped and went into total fan-girl mode.
They would have called security, but I had a very caffenated Starbucks and everything was okay again. (Caffine has the opposite affect on anyone with ADHD, doncha know)
While I was gone, Power of Justice Jack came out. Lucky for me, I had my nook.
oH, YEAH. i FORGOT TO TELL YOU. (Ooops. Caps lock.) My family hates me now.
[Insert violin music and crying noise]
But the only reason they hate me is because I'm so darn annoying; I only talk about SK, or PJO, or Psych, or The Avengers.
Which, now that I think about it, is a good long list. All week I would say, "Holy schwarma!" or make really abstract Psych references. ('It's like we're in one great big snow globe...Something wrong, Lassiface?' 'I hate you, Spencer.')
Oh, Shawn.
Now. Right now I'd like to take a moment to discuss my fans. Spesifically...KYLIE!!!!! You probably know her already if you love Sammy Keyes, but if not, take a look at her blog at
SHE ROCKS. I guess I 'met' her a few weeks ago on the #1 fan-girl site: fanfiction! She commented on my SK/AV crossover and then, being the lifeless loser that I am, I PMd her back. So now she has read my blog for the first time and--get this--SHE NOMINATED IT FOR HER CONTEST!!
So I'm going to practice my speech:

Just kidding. I really can't believe that the random babblings of a crazy fan-girl could earn so much....uh...something of which I'll figure out later.
I was going to talk about something else, but I forgot.
OH YEAH!! If anyone has anything they'd like to say about JUSTICE JACK!! then just comment in the box below and I will get back to you in my next post. ALL QUESTIONS ASKED WILL BE ANSWERED.
Ciao fo' now,
Mrs. Juliette Pratt/Rogers/Lassiter/Jackson

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Psych sites: say it five times fast

There's not much to talk about when it comes to Psych. At least not when you've only seen 2.4 seasons anyways.
But this weekend I decided to look up Psych stuff on the Internet, and the results were very fruitful, to be an punny idiot. For example, here's what my new desktop wallpaper thingy looks like:
Pretty awesome, right?
I also found this link on the name of this blog: I've Heard it Both Ways.
It's in the dictionary. Plus, there's a clip where the cast and crew talk about the pineapple.
No links are currently availible. Mostly because I'm too lazy....

It's a good time to write about Sammy.
Yes. I'm speaking of THE Sammy Keyes.
It's not like I was purposely avoiding the subject, but, honestly, between basketball camp, hangin' with my buddy Jenna, and pretty much everything else in life, I couldn't find the time.
Blame Shawn.
Anywho, Sams. Is it just me, or does it feel like Sammy's life is about to be...well..different? Other than the obvious dad issue, I mean. The course of her life is about to be changed drastically. I was thinking this while watching some stupid kid show yesterday, and I realized that my life was about to drastically change, too. All of us are simply leaves and twigs in a windy world. All roads may lead home, but each one is different. The question is, which road will we take? I think that's gonna be an important theme in SK. You know, like a conversation on Hudson's porch.
Killer Cruise sounds like a cruise in a car to me, not a cruise ship. I guess a cruise ship would make more sense, but the car theory just sounds right. Maybe Sammy stumbles on something bigger than it seems, like in Psycho Kitty Queen--a chop shop? If anyone asked WVD, she might clarify, although spectulation is a lot of fun, especially when there are people like Sammy and Marissa on the scene. I guess I sound like an idiot, though....
I think Sammy has to team up with Heather. Why would they be going to Vegas...unless Lana and Warren are getting MARRIED? Either that or it's Marissa's dad again...poor guy. But what if it's both? If it was really the whole Keyes-Acosta thing, then Heather and Sammy would have to team up. Sammy even said once that they would be unstoppable together.
But grim speculation in the face of merciless fate is but inevitably pointless...therefore we must push through the wind and storm ahead and hold tight to the anchor of human kind that is hope.
AKA: Moving on.

I am back on FanFic! My name is Mrs. Billy Pratt and I mostly read PJO and SK fics, because CA fics pretty much suck in general...and they're all about Peggy. (To Jenna/Mrs.LeoValdez: not even the kick-butt version, they're basically all about me!!! Mwah ha ha ha ha!!) Some of the Avengers stuff is good... and I decided to create a SK-Avengers crossover about the Captain Billy image I got.
If you have any ideas on how it shapes up, leave a comment here, or review it on fanfic. It should be up by Tuesday.
Ciao for now,
Mrs. Juliet Pratt

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Conversations in my head.

You people must be thinking, Jeez. When is this freak gonna start ACTUALLY talking about PJO?
Well, for all you jerkwads who were thinking this: What the heck, dude?? What's your freaking problem? I can only focus on one obsession at a time! Last week it was CA, now it's PJO! Jeez.
Now for all the nice PATIENT people, now is the time to address the issue of MOA. (Next week's blog: SK)
Alright. So you've seen the cover right? Whoa! Hold your pegasi! That is Jason and Percy on the cover. Fighting. With swords and stuff. The big question mark: WHY?
Well for starters, Percy just got promoted to Praetor and he's a son of Neptune. Jason is a son of Iuppiter, Maximus et Praeclarus Deus and HE couldn't make Praetor. How pathetic is that? Plus he has the hots for Reyna, and what does this whole Percy-is-a-Praetor thing have to do with the possible relationship between Jason and Reyna?
So Jason is miffed.
But the question is: Who will the camps side with?
Will it be the natural Percy-Camp Half-Blood, Jason-Camp Juppiter deal? Or will the camps be split? Oh my gosh, I just got goosebumps. I predict this:
PIPER: No, Jason! Percy's a good guy. He doesn't want to hurt you!
ANNABETH: PERCY JACKSON! What do you think you're doing! Jason is with us! What the heck!
LEO: Jason, stop! Percy is with Camp Half Blood. This is not the plan. THINK ABOUT FESTUS!!!!
REYNA: Praetors can't be fighting! Unless Jason isn't a Praetor anymore...
TRAVIS AND CONNOR STOLL(Why the heck are they here?): Ha ha ha. C'mon Percy! Show him how it's done!!!!
BILLY PRATT: What the heck? Who are these people? Is that guy on a flying horse? Where the heck am I?
SHAWN SPENCER: This is so cool. (To Gus) Popcorn?
STEVE ROGERS: Juliet, will you cut it out? People are starting to get bored. You said I wasn't gonna be in this post.
SHAWN SPENCER: Why is Jules here? (To Gus) Are you really sure you don't want any popcorn? (To Steve) How about you?
STEVE ROGERS: I'm fine, thanks.
ANNABETH: Is that Captain America? How did they get here? Who's the guy with the chicken hat?
PERCY: Uh, Juliet? This is getting way out of hand. That Lassie guy just shot Octavian in the head.
ME: Oh crap. This is totally going on my blog!
So, pretending that the previous Kool-Aid induced hypnotism didn't happen, I'm going to leave with very little dignity intact.
Juliet Spencer...PS: I'm really sorry you had to see that.

Sunday, June 10, 2012 life is pretty sweet.

  Yesterday night my dad took me and my sister to this place in Wickenburg where we were a) meeting my mom, and b) eating some grub. Actually we were there for pizza, wings, and ICE CREAM! What the heck is grub anyways?
  So anyways, while we were there I started geeking out about all the reasons my life is better Jackson/Sammy Keyes/Psych reference). But seriously, folks, here's the list:
#1: Mark of Athena!! Comes out in, like, August or October?
#2: Power of Justice Jack!! Coming to you from lots of places on June 22!!
#3: Season 6 of Psych!! Which technically I can't see yet because I'm still on season 2...
#4: PLUS Captain America 2 (dos) comes out in 2013.(You had to know that was going to be in here.)
  With that nice segway, I would like to inform y'alls that yesterday I was on da internet and I saw something AMAZING. For the IronMan fans of the cyberplanet, Iron Man 3 comes out sometime this year. For people like ME, yes, it's true, CA 2 comes out next year. And for those of you who love 'em all, The Avengers 2 comes out in 2014.
  Pretty cool, right?
  Oh yeah, and on Friday night I saw the first Captain America. Let me just say that if you thought Steve Rogers started out as big as he was in the Avengers, you are very very very very wrong. He was like five feet tall. And don't even get me started on...uh.....weight.
  So anyways.
  Yeah, I'll probably add some to this blog if I forgot to put any--oh yeah! I forgot to say for you people reading this:
  VOTE NOW!!! Mrs. Juliet Pratt or Mrs. Juliet Rogers???
  Leave a comment based on your vote, and I will post accordingly.

Ciao for now,
Juliet Spencer.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Captain America meets Billy Pratt!! Whaaaattt???

Yes. It's true.
The title will be explained shortly, but for right now, I just want to ask all let me know if they are on Fan Fiction. Or fan fiction. Or Fanfiction. Whatever!!
I also what to inform y'alls that I got braces today! I waited for braces for three years, and they are a lot more painful than I thought they were going to be.

Okay. So now I will explain the title.
All of you who know me as GoldenConverse on fanfic know that I love Percy Jackson and Sammy Keyes. Wellll, this weekend I saw the movie The Avengers, and I have added that to my list of stuff that I am obsessed with. Everyone who's obsessed with something--a book (Sammy Keyes) or a tv show (Psych) or a movie (the Avengers)--has to have a character that is freaking awesome. Look up my homeboy Jenna/Tibbitoo/Mrs. Leo Valdez and in about .3 seconds you will realize that she is married to Leo Valdez. For me, it's Billy Pratt. (How could you not love him? He's so Billy.)
But as of yesterday, something happened. I realized that Captain America was freaking amazing. So then I got this mental image of Billy in the whole CA outfit. Including the shield. And Steve Rogers was in a chicken hat.
I'm still not quite sure if I should laugh or cry or be scarred for life. It was that weird.
So if you have any questions about SK or PJO or even the Avengers, leave a comment and I will get back to you as soon as I can.
Ciao for now,
Mrs. Juliet Rogers.
I mean Mrs. Billy Pratt
I mean Juliet Spencer.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Juliet has entered the building!!!!!

OK! People of SK!!
If you have heard of Obsessions&Freak~ism, you may have heard of me...Juliet, Mrs. Billy Pratt, or....ummm....yeah, that's it.
So I just wanted to announce my presence....sooo yeah. Please become a regular visitationizer-thingy or whatever....but
PS: Okay this is my second I've heard it both ways because the first one was slaughtered by a pack of ninja monkeys with swords and lasers!!!!!!
Actually it got hacked.